Wantagh St. Patrick's Day Parade
1:00 PM13:00

Wantagh St. Patrick's Day Parade

Please join us



The SAR Flag Family marches for Veteran/Military suicide prevention, to raise our continued awareness of Veteran/Military suicide, as well as to honor the service and forever remember the lives of those lost to suicide.

The SAR Flag Family Mission: Our mission is to break the stigma of mental health, suicide, and seeking treatment within our warrior culture to facilitate suicide prevention for our nation’s defenders.

This is a gathering of Veterans/Military, friends, and family to promote camaraderie and positive mental health which facilitates suicide prevention.

We will carry SAR Flags and ride in military humvees on Sunday March 16th!

Come march with us!

Please RSVP to sarflagcontact@gmail or DM us at our Facebook or Instagram pages.

Our social media links are at the bottom of each website page below.

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New York City Veterans Day Parade
11:00 AM11:00

New York City Veterans Day Parade

  • 952 Broadway New York, NY, 10010 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come march with us in this year’s NYC Veterans Day Parade!!

Monday, November 11th!

Are you a Veteran, Military, or family member?

We’re honored to have you to march with us!

We march to raise our continued awareness of Veteran & Military suicide, and to honor the service & remember the lives of all those lost to suicide. We also march to honor, unite, & respect their families.

We march to #breakthestigma !!!

Our mission is to break the stigma of mental heath, suicide, & seeking treatment within our warrior culture to facilitate suicide prevention for our Veterans & Military.

March with us!

Please RSVP to sarflagcontact@gmail.com for more info.

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Baltimore Veterans Day Parade
12:00 PM12:00

Baltimore Veterans Day Parade

  • 699 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD, 21201 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come march with us in Baltimore, MD on Saturday, November 9th for their Veterans Day Parade!!

Are you a Veteran, Military, family member or supporter?

We’re honored to have you to march with us!

We march to raise our continued awareness of Veteran & Military suicide, to honor the service & remember the lives of all those lost to suicide. We also march to honor, unite, & respect their families.

We march to #breakthestigma !!!

Our mission is to break the stigma of mental heath, suicide, & seeking treatment within our warrior culture to facilitate suicide prevention for our Veterans & Military.

March with us!

Please RSVP to sarflagcontact@gmail.com for more info.

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Brooklyn Veterans Day Parade
12:00 PM12:00

Brooklyn Veterans Day Parade

  • Bright Light Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come march with us in Brooklyn’s Veterans Day Parade!!

Saturday, November 2nd at 12:00!

Are you a Veteran or Military, family member or supporter?

We’d be honored to have you march with us!

We march to raise our continued awareness of Veteran & Military suicide, as well as to honor the service & remember the lives of those who died; and to honor, respect, and unite their families.

Our mission is to break the stigma of mental heath, suicide, & seeking treatment within our warrior culture to facilitate suicide prevention for our Veterans and Military.

March with us!

Please RSVP to sarflagcontact@gmail.com

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Remembrance Ceremony
11:45 AM11:45

Remembrance Ceremony

Please join us on September 22, 2024, as we present the Suicide Awareness and Remembrance Flag to the Gronenthal & Martinelli Families from Suffolk County, NY.

This event is in cooperation with the Suffolk County Veterans Service Agency, Operation VEST, The VFW, The Warrior Ranch Foundation, Paws of War, Blue Star Mothers, The Patriot Guard Riders, the SAR Flag Family, local agencies and more in our shared commitment to break the stigma of mental health, suicide, and seeking treatment within our warrior culture in our common goal to End Veteran/Military Suicide Together.

This Special Remembrance Ceremony will be held for

Long Island’s own:

USA, MAJ Victor Gronenthal & USA, SPC Anthony Martinelli.

We muster at 11:30 AM - Please be seated by 11:45 AM

The SAR Remembrance Ceremony begins at 12:00 PM

Keynote Speaker - Major Chad Lennon, USMC

Legislator, VFW Post 6249 Member

Ceremonial Unit - VFW Post 6249 Color Guard

We Honor.

We Remember.

We Will End Veteran/ Military Suicide Together.

@operationvest @warriorranchfoundation @vfwhq @theamericanlegion @vfwpost2913 @pawsofwar

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Veterans Suicide Awareness & Prevention Walk - Long Beach VFW & Auxiliary Post 1384
10:00 AM10:00

Veterans Suicide Awareness & Prevention Walk - Long Beach VFW & Auxiliary Post 1384

  • Long Beach Boardwalk, NY (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us as we support Long Beach VFW & Auxiliary Post 1384 for their second annual “Veterans Suicide Awareness & Prevention Walk.”

We will carry SAR Flags to honor and remember those lost to suicide and to remind living Veterans & Military that they are not alone, to facilitate suicide prevention.

We walk to Break the Stigma!!

*Please Note: The VFW Post is asking for a $25 donation.

Please meet at the Long Beach Boardwalk at Grand Blvd near Beach Burger.

We hope to see you there!!

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Join us in Breaking the Stigma - Suicide Awareness & Prevention Ride for September
to Sep 29

Join us in Breaking the Stigma - Suicide Awareness & Prevention Ride for September

  • Long Island, NY and NYC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Founder/President will be carrying an SAR Flag and riding 222 miles during the month of September to raise awareness for Veteran/Military suicide to #breakthestigma in order to facilitate suicide prevention for our Veterans and Military.

We need your support to facilitate our mission!

Please go to sarflag.org and then head to the “donate” page!

We’re asking for $22 for every trip Kevin makes in the month of September (10 total). Thank you for your support!

If you would like to join Kevin on any of his upcoming trips, to run, bike, or just to say hi, you will receive a free SAR Flag t-shirt (while supplies last). Please see the planned bike trips below:

9/4 - 22 Miles, 1:00-3:00PM, Start/End: Cedar Creek Park, Long Island (Jones Beach to Gilgo Beach)

9/6 - 22 Miles, 9:30-11:30AM, Start/End: Cedar Creek Park, Long Island (Jones Beach to Gilgo Beach)

9/8 - 22 Miles, 9:30-11:30AM, Start/End: NYC Joan of Arc Park to Hudson River Greenway Trail Start(Battery Park) to Fort Washington Park then back to start (West Side Highway Bike path)

9/11 - 22 Miles, 10:30AM-12:30PM, Start/End: NYC, Joan of Arc Park to Hudson River Greenway Trail Start(Battery Park) to Fort Washington Park then back to start (West Side Highway Bike path)

9/15 - 22 Miles, 10:00AM-12:00PM, Start/End: Cedar Creek Park, Long Island (Jones Beach to Gilgo Beach)

9/18 - 22 Miles, 9:30-11:30AM, Start/End: Cedar Creek Park, Long Island (Jones Beach to Gilgo Beach)

9/21 - 22 Miles, 9:30-11:30AM, Start/End: Cedar Creek Park, Long Island (Jones Beach to Gilgo Beach)

9/27 - 22 Miles, 9:30-11:30AM, Start/End: Cedar Creek Park, Long Island (Jones Beach to Gilgo Beach)

9/29 - 22 Miles, 8:30-10:30AM, Start/End: Cedar Creek Park, Long Island (Jones Beach to Gilgo Beach)

*Please note: Rain Dates will be decided day of**

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#22 PAC: PTSD Awareness Challenge
4:00 PM16:00

#22 PAC: PTSD Awareness Challenge

Please join us Friday, August 30th in Port Jefferson, Long Island, NY for a PTSD and suicide awareness event and challenge.

SAR Flag Family members Kevin W. Hertell (USAF Veteran) will be kayaking along with Eric D’Arce (USMC Veteran) across the Long Island Sound while carrying an SAR Flag to raise our continued awareness of Veteran & Military suicide, honor and remember those who died by suicide, and to support other nonprofits that serve our Veterans and Military.

Port Jefferson Village Center

101-A East Broadway

Port Jefferson, NY 11777

This event is held by #22PAC and here is their event message:

The 22 PTSD Awareness Challenge is a 22 mile cross-sound kayak event. The event starts in Bridgeport, CT, and ends in Port Jefferson, NY.  The goal is bring together veteran related non-profits.  This event will help them raise money and promote their services to as many veterans as possible.  After the challenge, there will be free food and family fun.

10:30 am- Kayaks leave Bridgeport

5:30 pm - Kayaks Arrive at Port Jefferson.  Cheer on our Veterans Kayaking 22 miles at the landing site.

4:00pm - 8:00pm -  Reception Party with Free Food, Drinks and a band open to the public.

Come celebrate with all participants and volunteers

Meet over 20 Veteran related Organizations helping our veterans today.


Please go to our website to donate to support our mission!

SAR Flag Donations

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Vietnam Veterans Day Ruck/March
9:00 AM09:00

Vietnam Veterans Day Ruck/March

  • New York City Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza 55 Water St 55 Water Street New York, NY (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Please join the SAR Flag Family as we pay tribute to our Vietnam Veterans by retracing the route of the 1985

Welcome Home Parade!

We march to honor the service and remember the lives of Vietnam Veterans and Military who died by suicide. Please stay for the Wreath Laying Ceremony After.

(Food/Drink after Ceremony)

Saturday, March 23. 2024

ROUTE: Cadman Plaza (Brooklyn) to Vietnam Veterans Plaza (Lower Manhattan) For individuals capable of marching/hiking 3.2 miles at a 20 minute mile pace ONLY. (map)

ROUTE - START LOCATION/TIME: The full, 3.2 mile march steps off at Cadman Plaza East & Tillary Street, Brooklyn, NY.

Arrive no later than 9:00am; step off is 9:15am SHARP!

We’ll march across the Brooklyn Bridge, down Broadway’s Canyon of Heroes, along Water Street, ending at Vietnam Veterans Plaza.

END LOCATION/TIME: Vietnam Veterans Plaza at 55 Water Street, New York, NY - Approximately 11:15am


-All participants in the march must be able to complete the 3.2 mile walk at a typical walking pace (20 minute mile).

-Participants are not required to carry ruck weight or backpacks

-Families are welcome, provided that all children can maintain the walking pace (on foot or otherwise)

-Military/veteran/patriotic attire encouraged!

-Please let us know if you want to carry an SAR Flag!

Please go to https://fs10.formsite.com/JhbGfT/ny4fsv3g4x/index to sign up!

**Please note: When you sign up please indicate that you will be representing the SAR Flag Family and in the form section that asks why you are participating, please enter: “I march to honor the service and remember the lives of Vietnam Veterans and Military who died by suicide..”

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1:00 PM13:00


Please join us



SAR marches for Veteran/Military suicide prevention, to raise our continued awareness of Veteran/Military suicide, as well as to honor the service and forever remember the lives of those lost to suicide.

The SAR Flag Family Mission: Our mission is to break the stigma of mental health, suicide, and seeking treatment within our warrior culture to facilitate suicide prevention for our nation’s defenders.

This is a gathering of Veterans/Military, friends, and family to promote camaraderie and positive mental health which facilitates suicide prevention.

We will carry SAR Flags and ride in military humvees on Sunday March 17th!

Come march with us!

Please RSVP to sarflagcontact@gmail or DM us at our Facebook or Instagram pages.

Our social media links are at the bottom of each website page below.

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NYC Veterans Day Parade
9:00 AM09:00

NYC Veterans Day Parade

Are you a Veteran or Military, or a family member?

We would like you to march with us!

We will carry SAR Flags and photos of loved ones lost to suicide.

We march to raise our continued awareness of Veteran & Military suicide, as well as to honor & remember those lost, & to honor & respect their families.

Our mission is to break the stigma of mental heath, suicide, & seeking treatment within our warrior culture to facilitate suicide prevention.

March with us!

Please RSVP to sarflagcontact@gmail.com

We Honor.

We Remember.

We Will End Veteran/Military Suicide Together.

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SAR Remembrance Ceremony
11:00 AM11:00

SAR Remembrance Ceremony

SAR Flag Remembrance Ceremony

Hosted by

Veterans' Services - Town of Hingham

Hingham Harbor Bandstand

95 Otis Street, Hingham, MA 02043

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Seated by 10:45 AM - Ceremony at 11:00 AM

Keynote Speaker -

Brigadier General Tom Sellars (Ret.), USA

Tough Ruck Nation Ambassador

Special Guest Performer -

"The Singing Trooper" Sgt Daniel M. Clark, USMC Veteran

Ceremonial Unit - Hingham Police Dept. Honor Guard

Combined Rifle Detail - Hingham American Legion Post 120

& Hingham VFW Post 6053

Please join us on Sunday, August 6, 2023, as we present the Suicide Awareness & Remembrance Flag to the Partyka Family from Hingham, MA.

This event is in cooperation with the American Legion, VFW, Marine Corps League, the SAR Flag Family, local agencies and more in our shared commitment to break the stigma of mental health, suicide, and seeking treatment within our warrior culture in our common goal to End Veteran/Military Suicide Together.

This Special Remembrance Ceremony will be held for

Hingham's own, USMC Sgt Matthew P. Partyka.

We muster at 10:30 AM - Please be seated by 10:45 AM

The SAR Remembrance Ceremony begins at 11:00 AM

After the Ceremony, guests are invited to attend a luncheon from 12:00 - 14:00 at the Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Hall

358 Main St., Hingham, MA 02043

We Honor.

We Remember.

We Will End Veteran Suicide Together.

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Veterans and Military Families Resource Fair in New Paltz, NY
4:00 PM16:00

Veterans and Military Families Resource Fair in New Paltz, NY

  • VEW Brannen - van den Berg Post 8645 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Senator Michelle Hinchey and various nonprofit and government organizations for a veterans resource fair connecting our veteran community with helpful programs and services including health, employment, and housing resources.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

VFW Brannen - van den Berg Post 8645

101 State Route 208 in New Paltz

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10:30 PM22:30



Returns To Long Island!

As seen on ESPN, HBO & Sports Illustrated


Saturday July 15, 2023

11am // Moriches Athletic Complex

Sunday July 16,2023

1am // Maccarone Memorial Stadium

Glen Cove NY



National wounded warrior, amputee, softball team a.k.a. USA Patriots Softball team is a non-for profit organization, whose mission is to inspire and show there are no limits.

Donations / sponsorships not required but appreciated

Bring the family down for a day of fun, and a chance to see our nations heroes in action for free.

For more info please contact Joe Bart (631)-840-7787

Email: joe.bart@raymondjames.com

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Student Veterans of America at St. Joseph's University - Boot Camp Experience
12:00 PM12:00

Student Veterans of America at St. Joseph's University - Boot Camp Experience

Please join us on Tuesday, April, 18th from 1200-1400 at St Joseph’s University on Long Island, NY!

We will be out in support of the Student Veterans of America group at St. Joseph’s University while promoting positive mental health and awareness to facilitate suicide prevention.

There will be fitness challenges with each military branch! Compete against SJNY students to have a chance to win prizes!

Engage with law enforcement organizations, to include but not limited to:

•US Marshals


•Suffolk PD

•Sheriff Department


•State Police

•FBI and much more

There will be nonprofit organizations on site along with other businesses, to include but not limited to:

•VFW- Patchogue

•American Legion


•Veterans Readiness & Employment

•C4 Energy @c4energy & the Mango Fox Drink partnerships with the @wwp logo

•SVA Nationals @studentvets

Military vehicles will be on display!


View different aspects of military service from equipment, uniforms & memorabilia!

•Activities & Prizes!

•Food & Drinks!

•Raffle Baskets!

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New York City Veterans Day Parade
12:00 PM12:00

New York City Veterans Day Parade

  • New York City Veterans Day Parade 2022 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you a Veteran or Military, or a family member?

We would like you to march with us!

We will carry SAR Flags and photos of loved ones lost to suicide.

We march to raise our continued awareness of Veteran & Military suicide, as well as to honor & remember those lost, & to honor & respect their families.

Our mission is to break the stigma of mental heath, suicide, & seeking treatment within our warrior culture to facilitate suicide prevention.

March with us!

Please RSVP to sarflagcontact@gmail.com

We Honor.

We Remember.

We Will End Veteran Suicide Together.

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Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team AKA #USAPATRIOTS - Game and Event
10:30 PM22:30

Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team AKA #USAPATRIOTS - Game and Event

Join us on Super Saturday July 23, 2022 as we support our heroes!

The USA Patriots play at their home away from home.

Moriches Athletic Complex: Center Moriches:

Gates open 10:30am. Opening Ceremony 11am

NOTE : Opening Ceremonies on the Saturday Suffolk Special game usually includes Motorcycle escorts such as the Patriot Guard Riders, Long Island ABATE and many more… and The SAR Team will be in the Parade in a Korean War Army Truck!


Groups such as Long Island Blue Star Mothers, Flag displays by local firehouses, youth groups such as scouts, sign up in advance to have your civic or Veteran group join the procession. Special Guests give a short welcome speech.  Seal Of Honor Dad, Dan Murphy and others.

Noon Game Time.

Followed By a BBQ  5:30pm - 8pm at the Smithtown Elks Club

- proof of attendance at Saturday game

Please go to www.warriorsny.org for more.

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Operation VEST - Dog Tag Run - 2.2 Mile
9:00 AM09:00

Operation VEST - Dog Tag Run - 2.2 Mile

Saturday, June 11, 2022

9 AM Start Rain or Shine

Gardiner County Park, Bay Shore NY

2.2 Mile Walk/Run/Ruck/Dog Walk to raise our continued awareness of Veteran & Military suicide, promote positive mental health, camaraderie among Veterans, and to let Veterans and Active Military know that they're not alone.

Please go to https://events.elitefeats.com/dogtag22 to register!

Proceeds from the event go to Operation VEST. Operation VEST will also partner with local Veteran Serviceorganizations in order to aid and assist in the eradication of veteran suicide.

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SAR Flag Raising Event and Ceremony
10:45 AM10:45

SAR Flag Raising Event and Ceremony

Please join us on April 23rd, 2022, as we raise the Suicide Awareness and Remembrance Flag to honor and forever remember the Veterans and Military lost to suicide.

This event is the first official SAR Flag raising by an American Legion as we work together to break the stigma of mental health and suicide within our warrior culture in our common goal to End Veteran Suicide Together.

Special Remembrance will be held for Long Island’s own USMC LCpl Mike Blanco.

We muster at 10:30 AM - Please be seated by 10:45 AM

After the ceremony:

Refreshments will be served as guests are invited to The American Legion Post 336 Hall for guest speakers, meet and greet, networking, and outreach from Long Island nonprofits serving our local Veteran community.

Local nonprofits to include but not limited to:

Sail Ahead - sailahead.org

The Warrior Ranch Foundation - warriorranchfoundation.org

We Honor.

We Remember.

We Will End Veteran Suicide Together.

This is a flier with event details.  We tried adding the details but the website will not allow. please have the flier read to you.
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New York City Veterans Day Parade
8:00 AM08:00

New York City Veterans Day Parade

  • New York City Veterans Day Parade 2021 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you a Veteran or Military, or a family member?

We would like you to march with us!

We will carry SAR Flags and photos of loved ones lost to suicide.

We march to raise a continued awareness of Veteran & Military suicide, as well as to honor those lost, and to honor their families.

We aim to take away the stigma associated with mental heath and suicide among our Military and Veterans.

March with us!

Spots are limited. Please RSVP to sarflagcontact@gmail.com

Honor The Fallen.

We will never let their memory fade.

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Veteran & Military Suicide Awareness & Mental Health Support Walk/Run/Ruck/Virtual Run
8:00 AM08:00

Veteran & Military Suicide Awareness & Mental Health Support Walk/Run/Ruck/Virtual Run

Saturday, June 12, 2021

8 AM Start Rain or Shine

Gardiner County Park, Bay Shore NY

2.2 Mile Walk/Run/Ruck/Virtual Run to raise a continued awareness of Veteran & Military suicide, promote positive mental health, camaraderie among Veterans, and to let Veterans and Active Military know that they're not alone.

Please go to https://events.elitefeats.com/vest21 to sign up!

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Walk 4 Valor
to Aug 2

Walk 4 Valor

Please join us for a Walk For Valor on Saturday, August 1st and Sunday, August 2nd on Long Island, New York.

United States Marine Corps Reserve Major Chad Lennon will embark in a 66-mile journey holding 22 pounds to represent the 22 Veterans who die by suicide each day. He will begin at Citi Field in Long Island, NY and end his journey at Grumman Memorial Park.

This hike is not only to raise awareness of Veteran suicides, but it’s also a display of camaraderie and togetherness. We want all Veterans and active military to know that we’re in this fight together!  You are not alone!  This is a Buddy Check!

Chad will also be carrying the American Flag and SAR Flag.

The hike will stop every 22 miles to do 22 push-ups and talk to spectators at the checkpoint.

The hike will go on Route 25A from Citifield to Grumman Memorial Park.

Chad will carry anything for 1 mile and asks that you make a donation for the participating charities.

If you would like to join the hike in any capacity, please go to our contact page and send us an email!

Sponsorship also available!

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